
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Fraud, Lies & PhotoShop

Grade 11 & 12 Journalism

The photograph, because of its close resemblance to reality, is thought to hold the essence of “truth” and is often treated as evidence. However, with the rise of photo-editing software, such as PhotoShop, a photograph’s objectivity comes into question. A recent and salient example of this is a Reuter's photograph of bombing in Lebanon. A keen blogger from "Little Green Footballs" noticed the obvious use of the "clone tool" in the billowing smoke over Beirut. Check out the first report of the fraud at Little Green Footballs.

You may answer one, several, or all of the following journal questions based on this story:

Journal Entry Question #2
In photojournalism, when is it appropriate to use PhotoShop? When is it not appropriate? Does altering the photograph mean altering the truth?

Journal Entry Question #3
What do you think were the photographer's intentions in changing the photograph in such a dramatic way?

Journal Entry Question #4
Reuters is an international, mainstream news provider. What does such an incident do for Reuters' reputation? What do you think about the fact that a blogger (an independent journalist) was the first to uncover the story? How does this change your view of mainstream media vs. independent media?

Each entry must be 300 words long. Include your images were appropriate.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

An iPod Classroom?

Grade 10 Journal Entry Question #2

What if you didn't have to go to seminars at all and you could do all your learning using your iPod? Read the following article and answer these questions:

iPod Classroom

1. The article suggests that iPod video lectures are effective for '"kinesthetic learners",” who tend to be hands-on, active, and require frequent breaks." Do you think that you would learn well using an iPod? Why or why not?

2. An advocate for "v-casting" through the iPod says that: "“It'’s more interactive and more self-directed." Do you think that Mary Ward, with its commitment to self-directed learning, should embrace such technology for education? What are some advantages or disadvantages?

Have FUN!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Nam June Paik

Journal Questions for Grade 11/12 Media Arts and Comm Tech.

You may answer one or both questions. Entries must be around 300 words each. Please review guidelines.

1. In the introductory seminar, we looked at Catts and Zurr's BioArt, like their "Victimless Meat". What are some ethical and moral concerns of this work that you can think of? What do you think about biotechnology as art?

2. "Contemporary artists use the technology of their time to communicate and express their ideas". Use an example of a media artist that we talked about in the introductory seminar to explain this quote.

Word Up!

Journal Entry Question for Grade 11/12 Journalism #1

The voices of youth are vital to the field of journalism. As young journalists, you have an important role in "representing" the diverse attitudes, opinions, and beliefs of your generation. Visit YPP, Young Peoples' Press (link found on the side of this blog) and read one of the featured articles and answer the following:
1. 5Ws - note: These are "soft stories", meaning they do not have leads, but instead are more literary. You will have to search for the 5Ws within the body of the article.
2. What is the "thesis", or main point of the writer in this article?
3. What is your opinion on the topic?
4. How might the opinions of youth on this subject differ from those of adults? (point of view)

Your entry must be 300 words. You may include your own images to support your response.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

With the GOOD, comes the BAD

Journal Entry Question for Grade 10 #1

In seminar one, we looked at advancements in communication technology and the benefits and shortcomings that come along with them. For this first journal entry, think and write about how an example of modern-day communication technology has a good side and a bad side.
For example:
Cell phone cameras: Positive = Can take a photo anywhere! Negative=Loss of privacy
Portable Video Games:
Positive = Portable fun! Negative=Addictive/distracting
Text Messaging:
Positive = Fast contact with friends Negative=Loss of riting scillz!
Blogging :
Positive = Sharing thoughts and feelings Negative=Safety/privacy concerns

Entries should be around 300 words long.

Reminders for you Media/Tech Lovers

Great work today starting up your class blogs!
I have a few important reminders:

1. These are STRICTLY class-related blogs, meaning I don't want to read comments about your "extra-curriculars", ie: going to Pacific Mall for bubble tea. Only include postings which respond to the media/tech journal questions

2. Offensive
material (racist, sexist, stereotypical comments) are NOT welcomed! :( There will be consequences. Please be thoughful and respectful :)

3. I've noticed that some of the blogs are not loading up. Remember to Save and Publish changes.

4. Do not publish any personal information, such as your address, phone #, etc. Remember: the web is a PUBLIC SPACE. You wouldn't advertise your personal info on the street, so don't do it here either.

5. You will write your responses in EXCELLENT ENGLISH, meaning no text messaging lingo, no "lol", "l8r", "btw"...

Okay! That's it for now. Stay tuned for upcoming journal questions. Make sure that you are responding to the correct questions. (Grade 10s respond to Gr10 questions, Journalism students respond to journalism questions, etc.)

Peace out.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Happy September!

Welcome back to school, everyone! For some of us, like me, this will be our first year at Mary Ward. I am anticipating an exciting year full of great ideas, amazing work, and stimulating discussion. Most of all, I am looking forward to getting to know and appreciate all of you!

You will be required to create a blog, SPECIFICALLY for this course. This blog will be a journal which will contain your thoughtful responses to questions relating to course content, such as themes in media arts, advancements in communication technology, or special topics.

I will post journal entry questions at certain points throughout the year. You will be required to complete 6 entries, consisting of around 300 words each and appropriate supporting visuals. Your work on the blog will fulfill one unit for Media Arts/Communication Technology.

This unit intends to explore "the weblog" as an emerging form of communication and expression. I invite all of you to share and create knowledge and meaning through this unit and course. Happy blogging!